Next DTCM Meetings
Annual Membership Dues: It is that time of year again to consider renewing your membership to DTCM. The cost is $20.00 per person and should be sent to our Treasurer, Sara Pruyne, 1234 Patch Mountain Road, Greenwood, ME 04255. For those who were voted into membership from August through our November meeting, your membership is good for 2025. If dues are not received by March 31, 2025 you will be required to resubmit an application for membership.
2024/25 Meeting Dates:
Our next meeting dates: November 20, January 15th, February 15th. 7pm via ZOOM. Our annual Banquet is scheduled for March 16th, location to be determined. If interested contact Bob at
See our UPCOMING EVENTS page for Entries and Premiums
Club member Peter with his English Cocker, earning their VST title
DISCLAIMER: ALL INFORMATION ABOUT OUR TESTS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Contact the AKC or the Trial Secretary of the club offering the test for any updated changes in event location, time, date, judges, number of tracks or cancellations. By contacting the Trial Secretary, you will get the current updated information.